Executive Summary
Purpose of the report

            The purpose of this project is to give to students a better commodity with another classroom. Because of the lack space in the classroom, they cannot develop their skills in the class because they just receive classes 5 hours a day.
Students have the right to receive six grades in six years, but because of lack of another classroom, they just receive six grades in five years of study because in this school the poor families do not pay tuition.
In the community there are different institutions that collaborate on education. One of them is called the Ministry of Education. Therefore, if they know that the project is called “Build an extra classroom in the community” they will collaborate because it will be benefit students so that they can have space in the classroom without needing to receive classes outside of the other classroom.
            In this project I have the collaboration from some institutions that are in my community also hardware stores support with some materials that be to building, because through samples of the price of different materials also this project cannot have the prices exactly because some materials can vary when buy it.
The recommendations for this project is that every day the children are growing in the education level and they can develop in their studies and that schools continue helping to poor people because of the economy in Guatemala.
A. Background of the problem
The following workshop shows us the important problems that the schools in rural areas have, because it hopes to solve the daily needs of the educational community in the installation of this school. In spite of lack of classroom in the school, the headmistress, and teachers continue with education of each students to improve their education future.

They can develop their skills as others students from private schools; therefore, my project in this school will beto build an extra classroom in this school for the students to feel better in another classroom. Also they will be able to learn more about their studies and the teacher can see if their students are paying attention in their class because when the teacher has too many students and the classroom is small, he or she cannot see who is not paying attention in the class.
B. Purpose
This school is located in my community; its name is EscuelaOficial Urbana Mixta 20 de mayo, San Benito Petén, Guatemala. This school has approximately 250; students it was built 8 years ago. The purpose of this school is to help poor people that cannot pay the tuition in a private school. But it is not too far away for them and the government helps with some items such as notebooks, pencils, pens, books, etc.
Currently, the school does not have enough classrooms to give classes to other students. In some cases, the teachersgive classes to their students outside of other classroomsbecause the students do not have enough space in the classroom. But they only finish 6 grades in 5 years; therefore,my goal in this school will be to build an extra classroom forstudents. They need to receive the same rights as private schoolsbecause they need to receive 6 years of education in the school and receive their classes in the classroom and not outside of other classes.
C. Thesis Statement
Building an extra classroom for students will help them feel more comfortable pay more attention in their classes to learn their assignment. With fewer students, also the teacher can explain his or her class better and will know when the students understand and the students will have more opportunities to ask questions in class.

A.    Collaboration
To carry out this project I will need the collaboration of some institutions that are working with government and education to develop the project of building the classroom;therefore, if the institutionshave knowledge about it, they can help.

Currently one of the strategies is to sendinvitations to them where I explain that this project is a benefit for the school and for students to have enough space in the classroom so the teachers do not need to give their classes outside. Then those institutions could help to know the parents of studentsthat the classroom is not only to separate the students otherwise this add the other year which that student will study 6 grades in 6 years and they can more develop their skills in the classroom through of presentation, participation in the class because this classroom will have the same quantity of students as other classroom.

It is important for institutions to know that my project is called Building an extra Classroom in my community, because these kinds of institutions have the authority to organize other people to donate tools and materials to carry out it.

A.    Who involved in the problem
In this project many people are involved who can help to carry out the project because some of them have skills in construction. Therefore with the help of those people, the building will be done by the community. The people that are involved in this project are
·         The students
·         The parents
·         The teachers
·         The school
Each of these factor are affected because the students do not have enough space in the classroom, the teacher cannot give the same attention to all students because the students receive classes 5 hours a day, the parents because of the poor economy that day to day affects the community with poverty then the parents carry to their children in this school because they are giving the opportunity to their children for they can have an professional education that some parents could have when they were children.

A.    System Unit Prices
In this process, I will present the proposal about the costs of the materials to the mayor, teachers, headmistress and parentsthrough Power point, and excel about the prices, and pictures about as it affects the students. It will be in the school, but first of all,if the mayor helps me to carry out the meeting with people, it will be easier because the community’s people collaborate more when the mayor is there. Also the mayor can collaborate with institutions to get the materials.

Currently, I have knowledge that some parents of students are masons and some of them are available to build the classroom in their free time. It will be volunteer work. Some little stores that are close to the school want to collaborate in different ways.Therefore some of them are willing to give foodstuffs to people that will work on the project.The teacher will also make an announcement that the students can collaborate by bringing water to masons or bringing sand for the construction in small buckets or stonesin their free time. That way the construction mightbe done before deadline.

For the solicitude of materials, it is requiredthat we write a letter where we explain the project to the school, and how the students and the community will benefit by building the classroom.

B.     Materials and Tools Required
The followingworkshop shows materials for the building of the classroom in this school.
1.      Cement
2.      Iron
3.      Block
4.      Stones
5.      Nails of construction
6.      Sand
7.      Wood
8.      Tie Wire
9.      Nails
10.  Roofing
11.  Shovels
12.  Buckets
13.  White Lime
14.  Masonry Spoons
15.  Stairs
16.  Meters

Each this tool is important to build the classroom.However some hardware stores are willing to donate materials such as: gloves, nails of construction, masonry spoons, tie wire, iron, and white lime. The mayor might help with other materials that the community usually brings to poor people but in this case it will be for the school.
I.                   Sample of Materials Price
A.    Table of Information about Price
In the following table are some prices of materials that are necessary to build the classroom in the school, but in the table are not showing the quantities of materials because with the quantity it can be more or less than those prices.
Q. 100.00
Q. 55.00
Q. 200.00
Q. 10.00
Q. 10.00
Q. 35.00
Q. 50.00
The prices of these materials are per unit only the sand, stones, and blocks are per meters.

B.     Activities Before Building
Before starting with construction of the classroom, are necessary these steps to obtain a successful building.
C.    Timeline of construction
·         August 2012: meet with the mayor and explain the process of the classroom, give samples of the required materials in the construction. Also it is not necessary that just the mayor knows this plan. Another Institution is the Ministry of Education.
·         When the Mayor has knowledge about the plan he will make an appointment with the parents in the school and the mayor let them know the day when the project will be started and select who will be working currently in the week.
·         In the meeting the mayor will say what material the Municipality and Ministry of Education will bring to school so that this project can be started early.
·         Go to hardware stores that can contribute to construction of the classroom since those places will be shown a letter to benefit the school and children. This letter will be signed by the mayor of the community because it will be an assurance that the project is carried out in the community.
·         November 2012: have the materials to start the building of the classroom.("PROYECTO DE PLIEGO DE CONDICIONES")

This project will not benefit the person that wants to do it but the students could benefit in this project because they will need space and they will have a better accommodation in the classroom. They will learn to appreciate the education that this school brings to poor people because sometimes in life when the families do not have the opportunity to give education to their children, in the futures they may become criminals or thieves for lack of education.(


The purpose of this project is to give students better accommodation with another classroom.Because of the lack of space in the classroom, they cannot develop their skills in the class as they just receive classes 5 hours a day.
Sometimes when the space in the classroom is not enough the teachers cannot see who is not paying attention in the class. They can have order in the class, but sometimes the children go outside to play soccer or game machines so they do not receive the class.

In this project the way to collect money for the project is by selling food in the market, a raffle of gift, Bingo, etc. These ways could help to collect money to buy materials or by emergency of some mason if have some accident during the construction.

Going to hardware stores that can contribute to construction of the classroom since those places will be showing letter to benefit the school and children also those letter will be signed of the community because it will be an assurance that the project is carried out in the community.
After construction will be organized a small group of people and children that are able to help to paint it contribution the children could contribute with a fee to reach the quantities of money to buy the paint and finish the project sothe children can receive classes in the new classroom in 2013.

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