Organic Farming in Honduras

Organic Farming 


The Tutule’s community is located 111 km from Honduras’ capital Tegucigalpa, the population is around 9,000 people with 60 % of them being farmers. 
This Community Action Plan will be developed with 20 students who are 11 years old of age on average in fifth grade of primary school.
This information shows all of the methods of how it will be shared different techniques, advantages and disadvantages of organic farming, and also this Community Action Plan has as objective to share information with “ladies and gentlemen” of the future about advantages and disadvantages of chemical pesticides, chemical fertilizer, and genetic modification. The people who will be working to develop this Community Action Plan are agriculture technician, teacher, students, and the organic fertilizer producer company owner.
All of this information was obtained from different sources, also from knowledge of teachers, agriculture technicians, and company.
The principal reason of why this project was made, is because the “ladies and gentlemen” of the future from Tutule, La Paz, Honduras are lacking knowledge about organic farming, which is so important to improve the environment, quality of vegetables, grains, and meat and a lot of people believe that organic farming can make the difference in our lives, families and the world.
The purpose of the report is to detail the Community Action Plan project (Organic Farming) to develop students’ knowledge of Mariano Vasquez School to preserve and protect the environment.
Executive Summarize
The Tutule’s community is located 111 km from Honduras’ capital Tegucigalpa, the population is around 9,000 people with 60 % of them being farmers. 
The most important objective is to develop students’ (of Mariano Vasquez School) knowledge about a sustainable agriculture system. In this way we will guarantee a good life in the future. All of those activity are because the “Ladies and Gentleman” from Tutule are lacking knowledge about organic farming, which is so important to improve the environment quality of vegetables, grains, and meat.
Organic farming can make the difference in our lives, families and the world.
The mission of this Community Action plan is provide new information and practices showing the importance of organic farming to the ladies and gentleman of the future, the environment, and our health. Having a vision to encourage “ladies and gentleman of the future” to preserve, and protect the environment, increasing organic farming.
It will have a process first of all the presentation of Community Action Plan (Organic Farming) to students of Mariano Vasquez School, fifth grade. It CAP is with the logistical support from the company "La Nueva Familia".
A.        Purpose of the report
The purpose of the report is to detail the Community Action Plan project (Organic Farming) to develop students’ knowledge of Mariano Vasquez School to preserve and protect the environment.
B.        Scope of the Report
This report includes information on location, objective, mission, justification, vision, who will be working with this CAP, whom are the beneficiaries, process of the project, budget, the report include financing of the project an name of the company who will provide all the organic fertilizer necessary.
Community Action Plan is an activity to develop a town, country or the world, on this case is CAP has as goal change the world, this process involves “Ladies and Gentleman” of the future of  Mariano Vasquez School; they are 11 years old average.
Start: August 1, 2012
All of the activities will be done by the students, the teacher and the agriculture technician.
To develop students’ knowledge of Mariano Vasquez School about a sustainable agriculture system. In this way we will guarantee a good life in our future.


The “ladies and gentlemen” from Tutule are lacking knowledge about organic farming, which is so important to improve the environment, quality of vegetables, grains, and meat.
Organic farming can make the difference in our lives, families and the world.

To provide new information and practices to show the importance of organic farming to the "Ladies and Gentlemen” of the future.

Encourage “ladies and gentlemen” of the future to preserve, and protect the environment, increasing organic farming.

Why this Community Action Plan is focusing on organic farming?
This Community Action Plan is focusing on organic farming because its objective is to show “the ladies and gentleman of the future” the differences, advantages, benefits of organic farming and why it is so important to us. The ladies and gentleman of the future are studying at the Mariano Vasquez School.
Methodology to be used
ü  Present the project to students and teacher for approval of my project.
ü   Manage financial and logistical support with a company’s help to implement the CAP.
ü   Arrange a schedule of work with the teacher of the class for 4 hours on 2 days per week.
ü  The principal idea is develop their knowledge about agriculture using as an example organic farming, with the logistical support from company "La Nueva Familia".
ü  All of the activities will be done by students, teacher and agriculture technician.
ü  Arrange with the teacher of the class the best schedule to work together and manage the properties of the garden area.
ü  Create a garden area and fertilize only with organic fertilizer of the company “La Nueva Familia” which will be provided by “La Nueva Familia” company.
ü  After we have a garden area all ready, we will plant radishes.

 A)    Why will we plant radishes?
ü  Radishes require a rather short time to be harvested (22 days).
ü  When we have all ready harvested, we will share the organic radishes with the students, it will be a great experience for them, the teachers and me.
ü  During that time we will have the workshops and share important knowledge about organic farming.
ü  Explaining and using methods of organic insecticides, and organic fertilizer (compost)
ü  Each meeting will be supervised by Lely Osorio, who is the class teacher. We will do it twice per week, two hours each time.  
ü  We will take a test each week. It will be to assessment to determine if they are learning something or need a little more intensive explanation.
ü  Each time we will share a new topic with the students. Some of those are on the following page.

B)    Lesson Plan
ü  (July 16 and 19 2012) Introduce to the students the concept of organic farming and organize a small area to plant vegetables (radishes).
As a short example about what is organic farming the technician agriculture will let them know that organic farming means a way of production to use organic matter that contains carbon. After that, they will go and find a special place for where the garden will be situated.
ü  (July  23 and 26 2012) Explain advantages of organic farming and one way how to substitute chemical fertilizer with organic fertilizer and continue working on the garden.
The agriculture technician and the teacher of the class will discuss with the students about the advantages of organic farming on the environment, health care, and life of the soil. Also prepare the garden area.
ü  (July 30 and August 2 2012) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified food and plant radishes on garden area.
On this date they will share a new topic about genetically modification using corn as example and then they will plant radish seeds.
ü  (August 9 and 12 2012) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of chemical fertilizers and check the radish crop.
In this topic the agriculture technician and the teacher have a plan to share with the students about minerals on soil, then they will go and check the garden to be sure if everything is good (watering, pests, germination).
ü  (August 16 and 19 2012)  Talk about advantages and disadvantages of chemical pesticides and examples of organic pesticides. Fertilize radish crop. They will share knowledge about advantages and disadvantages of chemical pesticides using as example the life of soil or letting them know that soil is not just sand, land or black thing and also the agriculture technician will share with the students a method of organic pesticide (repellent).
After that they will apply organic fertilizer to the radish crop.
ü  (August 23 and 26 2012) Teach some effects caused by chemical pesticides. Harvest radish crop.
The teacher and agriculture technician will explain to the students how chemical pesticides are affecting the population; then they will harvest the radish crop sharing the organic production with the “the ladies and gentlemen” of the future, the teacher and the agriculture technician.

ü  (August 30 and Nov 2 2012) Discuss Organic vs. Conventional Product. The last Community Action Plan activity is to discuss the real differences between organic and conventional product.

C)    Budget
  Things                                                                        Price
Place (Mariano Vasquez School)
Ø  Classroom
Ø  Printer
Ø  Garden area
Tools  (students’ tools)
Ø  Hoe
Ø  Machete
Ø  Shovel
Ø  Pick axe
Ø  Dry grass
Ø  Sieve
Radish seed
Organic fertilizer (La Nueva Familia company provides)
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00

$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 3.00

$ 0.00
$ 10.00
$ 13.00

D)    Who are involved in this Community Action Plan?

If the "ladies and gentlemen” of the future pay attention to why organic farming is important to everybody they will understand that everything produced organically has an extra value. In addition they will be thinking of their future taking care of the environment.

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